Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What Is Acid Reflux?

acid refluxAcid reflux happens when the acids from your stomach "flow back" into your esophagus, causing discomfort and pain. The discomfort is also known as heartburn. The difference between acid reflux and heartburn is action and sensation. The flow of acid from your stomach to your esophagus is called acid reflux while heartburn is pain you are feeling when there is movement of acid into the esophagus from the stomach.

Common symptoms of acid reflux:
* Asthma
* Chest pain due to heartburn sensation
* Dental erosion
* Dysphagia
* Heartburn is the burning sensation brought by rising acid from the stomach towards the esophagus
* Hoarseness
* Regurgitation

Common causes of acid reflux:
* Large meals and eating habits
* Hiatus hernia (hiatal hernia)
* Peptic ulcers and insufficient digestive enzymes
* Smoking
* Alcohol


* Acid suppressant - these have been shown to be effective, such as histamine2-receptor antagonists (blockers). Histamines are good at reducing inflammation. An inflamed stomach produces more acid - blocking this extra production of acid helps prevent the acids from building up and seeping upwards.

* Propton pump inhibitors - these reduce the production of acid in the stomach. They act on cells in the stomach wall and produce stomach acids.

* Prokinetic agents - these promote the emptying of the stomach, stopping it from becoming overfull.

* Antiacids - commonly used to treat mild acid-related symptoms, such as heartburn or indigestion. They neutralize the acids in the stomach. These are not recommended for frequent heartburn.


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